but I mean, be careful that you don't let anything slip. I was scared of that tonight with Louise. She can be awfully mean when she wants to be."
"Gee, I should think Anna would be worried all the time from now on that somebody would spill something about it. It's kind of a dirty trick, too, on Cliff, I think, don't you?"
"No, I don't see why it is."
"Well, gosh, I don't know. It seems kind of dirty to me."
"Why should she tell him if she don't want to? No woman ever tips a guy off before she marries him that she has a rotten temper. And that's a lot more trouble than having another boy friend."
Lillian fell quiet then. The idea that she had just voiced struck her as being strange indeed. Of course a girl ought to tell her husband about her past; still, that spiel about the rotten temper did make sense. She decided that her eagerness to protect Anna had invented that queer thought and she tried then to dismiss it, but she felt uncomfortable. She always hated to find herself saying things that Louise and the other girls wouldn't say. It always made people think you were funny. And a rotten temper did make more trouble than an ex-boy friend, though there weren't any rules about it. It was all very confusing.
Hubert broke in on her thoughts. "Don't worry about Fred and Anna as far as I'm concerned. I'll keep quiet."
"Oh, I know you wouldn't blab to be mean or anything. I just thought maybe you'd let something slip about it."