"That's right," said Hubert. "It used to keep me on the go."
"No offense meant, Hubert, but it's busier now than it used to be. Arch is a wonder. He's worked himself to a frazzle over the place. I made him go away for a little rest."
"Running it all alone while he's gone? Want me to help you out?"
"Thanks, but this is a big family, you know. My two kid brothers are helping me."
"Oh," said Hubert. "Well, I just thought I'd drop in and see how things were going with you."
"Thanks, I'm glad you did. Come in again."
"I will, thanks. Good night, Bert."
"Good night, Scott."
Hubert was hungry and he didn't feel that he ought to spend money on a restaurant right now. Of course he'd get something to do in no time, but it gave him a funny turn when Bert McKay hadn't jumped at the chance to get him on a salary. Of course Bert was the younger brother and probably didn't have much say in the matter and probably no brains at all. Too bad Arch hadn't been there. Arch would have known what having Hubert Scott around would do for his business.
He went home and found Lillian frying bacon and eggs for dinner. She was alone and still in her kimono.
"Oh, I didn't expect you," she said. "Didn't you say you wouldn't come home for dinner?"
"Yes, but I changed my mind. The guy got around to talking terms before dinner; so I left him flat. Five