out fresh coffee and asked about Cliff and Billy. It seemed they were both doing splendidly.
"I thought you were trying to dodge us," Louise said. "You never sent your address or come for us any more." She settled herself comfortably and looked encouragingly at Lillian. "You can tell all your troubles to me," her expression said.
"I thought I wrote my address out for you," Lillian lied. "Funny that I didn't."
"Well, you didn't. Theresa was asking about you the other day, too."
"Tell her where I am, will you?"
"Why don't you write to her? Or you could call her up."
Lillian considered it for a moment. "You tell her," she said then. "I never get around to writing or phoning people."
"You used to," Louise accused.
"Yeh. Well, I've been busy."
"Doing what?" Anna protested. "Gee, it couldn't have took long to settle this apartment."
"Well," Lillian wrinkled her brows as though to recall some of her recent social activities. "Did you ever hear Hubert speak of the McKay Brothers?"
"Yeh, I think so."
"They're the men who bought his business. Well, we've been running around quite a bit with them and their wives." Lillian paused for a moment to wonder if either of the McKay Brothers had a wife. "Then we've been seeing quite a bit of Carl Feldman."
"No time for old friends, eh?" Louise asked.