it soon. Oh, well, it was silly to worry about that. He could get around it all right. No use crossing a bridge till you come to it.
It looked good to see Lil flying about the place putting dishes on the table and washing the lettuce. He sure had missed her. Well, soon he'd be out all day too. Soon as this cold let up a little he'd get something to do. He'd see how fellows got those jobs driving cabs or laundry trucks or anything like that. Gee, a fellow couldn't starve. God knew that he was as smart as any guy holding down a big job with stenographers and office boys at his beck and call, but, Lord, he couldn't starve just because nobody else recognized ability. He was a good driver. He ought to be able to get a truck or a cab or something. If not, there were other jobs. He'd have to find out about them.
He wondered why Helen's refusal of help had suddenly made him see that he must buckle down and take any job at all. Was it because he had been depending on Helen to reach down and pull him out of his troubles? That couldn't be it. He wasn't the kind who depended on other people. He never had been that kind. Well, to hell with the cause of his waking up. The fact was that he had to pitch in and do something that would get him at least twenty-five bucks a week.
"Dinner's ready," Lillian said.
"All right." He pulled himself from the couch. One step and he was at the table. The plate before him bore a lamb chop, several lettuce leaves, and two slices of tomato. She had tried to make it look dainty, but he didn't notice, because he was very hungry.