"Well, what would you like to do about it?"
"Have you all for my own."
"Your wife would never give you up."
"Oh, I know she wouldn't. That's out of the question. You don't know Helen."
"Who are you arguing with? I said she wouldn't give you up."
"I wish she would, but she's the type who wouldn't. I didn't mean that. I meant something else."
"What for instance?"
"I mean this. Let me get you a little apartment somewhere. You could give up your job and we could be together nearly all the time. I have plenty of money."
"Now, now, don't be a villain offering the poor little girl all modern conveniences with running hot and cold water."
"I mean it, Lillian. How about it? I'd get you any apartment you wanted and you could pick all the furnishings. I'd get you swell clothes, too. I'm not stingy. Gee, didn't you see how I was willing to even give a strange girl twenty dollars tonight? I'd even get you a little car of your own. What do you say, Lillian?"
"Sure," she said, but she was laughing.
"No, I mean it, Lillian. Quit your laughing. Gee, it isn't as though you were taking some terrible step. You know what I mean. It isn't as though you and I—You know what I mean."
"Yeh, well, it's like this. I don't think I can do it."
"Why not?"
"Well, you see I agreed to come with the Friedrichs and share expenses. They need me to go one-third on