Kilmeny of the Orchard
pinned them about her head like a coronet; a late white rose was fastened low
"'A man had given all other blissAnd all his worldly wealth for this—To waste his whole heart in one kissUpon her perfect lips,'"
quoted Eric in a whisper as he watched her descend. Aloud he said,
"Take these lilies on your arm, letting their bloom fall against your shoulder—so. Now, give me your hand and shut your eyes. Don't open them until I say you may."
He led her into the parlour and up to the mirror.
"Look," he cried, gayly.
Kilmeny opened her eyes and looked straight into the mirror where, like a lovely picture in a golden frame, she saw herself reflected. For a moment she was bewildered. Then she realized what it meant. The lilies fell from her arm to the