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Chor. And twine it well my bonny dow,
and twine it weel the plaiden;
The laſſie loſt ber ſilken ſnood,
in pu'ing of the bracken.

He prais'd my e'en, fae bonny blue,
fae lily white my ſkin, O;
And ſyne he pried my bonny mou',
and ſwore it was nae ſin, O. And, &c.

But he has left the laſs he loo'd,
his ain true love forſaken
Which gars me fair to greet the ſnood
I loſt among the bracken. And, &c.


LITTLE Syren of the ſtage,
Charmer of an idle age,
Empty warbler, breathing lyre,
Wanton gale of fond déſire.

Bane of every manly art,
Sweet enfeebler of the heart;
Oh! too pleaſing is thy ſtrains
Hence to ſouthern ſtrains again.

Tuneful miſchief, vocal ſpell,
To this iſland bid farewel:
Leave us as we ought to be,
Leave the Britons rough and free.


Printed by J. & M. Robertſon, Saltmarket, 1802.