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Now from the mountain's lofty brow,
I view the distant ocean,
There Av'rice guides the bounding prow,
Ambition courts promotion:
Let Fortune pour her golden store,
Her laurel'd favours man,.
Give me but this, my soul's first wish,
The Lass o' Arranteenie.

Bonny Wood of Craigielee.

By Tannahill.

Thou bonny Wood of Craigielee,
Thou bonny Wood of Craigielee,
Near thee I spent life's early day,
And won my Mary's heart in thee.

The broom, the bri'r, the birken bush,
Bloom bonny o'er thy flow'ry lea;
An' a' the sweets that ane can wish,
Frae Nature's hau', are strew'd od thee.

Thou bonny Wood, &c.

Far ben thy dark green plantin's shade,
The Cushat croodles am'rously,
The Mavis down thy bughted glade,
Gars echo ring frae ev'ry tree.

Thou bonny Wood, &c.