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And as he stood a-viewing her,
And thinking of no hurt,
A Porter passing with a load,
Capsiz’d him in the dirt!
Then taking out his ’bacco box,
That cost him half-a-crown,
He took a quid and heav’d a sigh
To Poll of Horsely-down.

He soon found out Poll’s father,
And dress’d in rich array,
He got permission for to court,
And so got under weigh ;
Miss Polly she receiv’d him
All for a lover true,
And quite enamorated
Of her he quickly grew:
He squir’d and convey’d her
All over London Town,
Until the day was fixed.
To wed with Poll of Horsely-down

But Poll she was a knowing one,
As you shall quickly find;
And as for. Captain Oakum,
Pure love had made him blind:
One morning, in her chamber,
He found a cockney lout,
So Captain hov’d the window up,
And chuck'd the gem’man out;
Then cock’d his arms a-kimbo,
And looking with a frown.
He took a quid, and bid good-bye
To Poll of Horsely-down.
