is pre-eminently the work of a scholar. As a System none of its predecessors is more worthy of careful attention, and none has been more appreciatively received.
This system embraces most if not all the valuable features contained in the "Loisette" System, with none of its rubbish. Presenting no absurd claims, and quite content to be judged by its results, the success of this latest candidate for public patronage is certainly remarkable.
Prof. White's classes at Chautauqua were more successful than those of "Loisette" at the same place the previous year.
As to the merits of the "Loisette" System, opinions vary greatly, from the unqualified commendation of Prof. Procter, to the sweeping condemnation by Prest. Seelye, of Amherst College, who does not hesitate to express the opinion that "the entire 'Loisette' System is absolutely worthless." The latter opinion cannot be e lightly passe over, as Prest. Seelye is a recognized authority on the subject, and the author of the articles Memory and Mnemonics in Johnson's Cyclopædia, and as he has been for more than thirty years a teacher of mental science, it may be presumed that he does not speak without knowledge, while his own marvellous memory, so well known to generations of college students, will not detract from the weight of his opinion.
"Mark Twain" and several other eminent men first heartily endorsed the "Loisette" system, and later, for reasons best known to themselves, peremptorily recalled their testimonials.
Of students in the same classes some declare themselves to have been "humbugged," while others are equally sincere in the belief that their five dollars was well invested. What is the meaning of such conflicting testimony? The explanation usually given by "Prof. Loisette" is that the dissatisfied ones have failed to follow his directions. But there is another, and more probable explanation, and a study of the character and previous training of the malcontents reveals the fact that they are those who are already familiar with the subject, and have no new ideas presented for their consideration; while to others these ideas come as a new revelation, and are, accordingly, of inestimable value.