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Page:Memory Systems, New and Old (Middleton).djvu/123

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Works on the training of the Memory, whether known as Mnemonics or not, have been included.

The Bibliography in its own field—publications in Latin and English—is believed to be fairly complete, from 1325 to 1888.

Most of the important works in French and German will also be found here.

Corrections of errors discovered, or additions suggested, will be gratefully received.

The following have been freely consulted: Bibliotheca Americana, Bibliotheca Britannica, American Catalogue, English Catalogue, Poole's Index, and Book Chat; also the works of Feinaigle, Pick, and Middleton; all of which contain admirable critical bibliographies, more or less extended. Where the title is a transcript from a standard bibliography the source is indicated by a letter or letters following the title.

In justice to the reader, a few words should be added with reference to some of the more important books in the following list Of Fauvel-Gouraud's Phrenomnemotechny, the North American Review for July, 1845, said: "This is one of the most remarkable books it has ever fallen to our lot to examine. In style, manner, and matter it will here-after rank among the most curious of the curiosities of literature." Dr. Pick's Memory and a Rational Means of Improving It needs no commendation here. The extracts so fully quoted elsewhere amply attest its merit. Middleton's All about Mnemonics is simply invaluable to one who would know something of the different systems and their history. The perusal of Appleby's Loisette's Art of Never Forgetting compared with Mnemonics will well repay every student of Loisette.