Bibliography of Mnemonics.
1885. | Miller, Adam: Mental Gymnastics. $1.00. Chicago, Miller. |
1885. | Middleton, A. E. All about Mnemonics. 1s. London. |
1885. | Ebbinhous, Herm. von: Ueber des Gedächtniss. Leipsig. |
1886. | Loisette, Alphonse: Physiological Memory; or, The Instantaneous Art of Never Forgetting. New York. $5. 6 Nos. |
1886. | Chavauty, l'Abbé: Le Nouveau Système de Mnémonique. 8vo. 1fr. Tarbes. |
1886. | Appleby, F.: Loisette's Art of Never Forgetting compared with Mnemonics. 6d. Pitman, London. |
1886. | Holbrook, M. L.: How to Strengthen the Memory. 12mo. $1.00. New York, M. L. Holbrook. |
1886. | Boyd, A. S. Modern Mnemotechny. Baltimore. |
1886. | Cohen, Gustavus: Memory: How to Secure and Retain it. London. 1886. Hedley, A. P.: Natural Memory. Fol. 4 pp. 10s. 6d. |
1887. | Appleby, F.: Natural Memory. 15s. London. |
1888. | White, W. W.: Natural Method of Memorizing and Memory Training. $5.00. New Haven, Connecticut. |
1888. | Kay, David Memory: What it is, and How to Improve it. Post 8vo. 6s. London, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. |
1888. | Pick, Edward: Memory and its Doctors. 18mo. 1s. London, Trübner. |
1888. | Fellows, G. S.: "Loisette" Exposed, together with Loisette's Complete System of Physiological Memory, The Instantaneous Art of Never Forgetting. 12mo. 25c. New York, G. S. Fellows & Co. |
N. D. | Manners, J. M. Mnemonic Tables. |
N. D. | Hawley, E. H. Mnemotechny. |
N. D. | Tyass' Mnemonic Handbook. |
N. D. | Audibert, Maxime: Traité de Mnémotechnie générale, ou l'Art d'aider la mémoire appliqué à toutes les sciences. 2e édition. 18°. 4fr. |