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Bibliography of Mnemonics.

Keys of, Temple Bar, 13:202 1864
Morbid, Once a Week, 3:285 1860
Offices and Moral Uses of, Christian Exam., 56:209 1853
Of Faces, Spectator, 58:1258. 1885
Our Powers of (I. F. Mayo), Leisure Hour, Νοv., 1887
Phenomena of (S. H. Dickson), Lipp., 3:189. 1868
Physiological (R. W. Brown), Sc. Am. Sup., No. 429. 1884
Process of (I. Orr), Am. Jour. Sci., 23:278 1832
Remarkable Cases of (W. D. Henkle), Jour. Spec. Philos., 5:6 1871
——Pop. Sc. Mo., 16:428.
Retentive Power of (A. Bain), Fortn., 10:237 1868
Ribot on (J. Sully), Mind, 6:590 1881
Training of, Science, 8:582. 1886
Tricks of, Knowledge Jan., 1888
Unconscious (G. J. Romanes), Nature, 23:285 1880
Use and Culture, Phren. Jour Sept., 1887
vs. Reason, Tinsley, 9:183 1871
Where and How We Remember (M. A. Starr), Pop. Sci. Mo., 25:609. 1884
Why do We Remember Forwards? (F. Bradley), Mind Oct., 1887
Wonders of, Chambers' Jour July, 1886
Memories, Good, Every Sat., 11:618. 1871
Great, Dublin Univ. Mag., 60:377 1862
Retentive, Pop. Sci. Mo., 14:690


Abercrombie, J.: The Intellectual Powers. 18mo. 75c. New York. 1835.

Buck, A. H.: Ref. Handbook of the Med. Sc. Imp. 8vo, 8 vols. New York. Wood. 1887. (Article: "Memory, Disorders of," Dr. L. C. Rosse.)