The Abbé Chauvauty, of Lourdes, known in England best by a testimonial which he gave to Loisette, issued in 1886 a memory system which is very popular in France. After giving his famous testimonial he made the acquaintance of the celebrated Abbé Moigno, and he then found that the Loisettian system was anything but a new discovery. He thereafter withdrew his testimonial, and, in a pamphlet published in France, denounced "Professor" Loisette and all his works. The Abbé has since perfected his system, and in connection with it has published a monthly "Revue de Mnemonique," the contents being mainly devoted to mnemonical exercises.
In addition to the various modern mnemonical systems detailed in the preceding pages, there have appeared a number of systems under different names that deserve a passing notice.
Dr. Grey's system has always found imitators, and at the early part of this century it appears to have been very popular. A schoolmaster, named Needham, in 1813, issued a work founded on Grey's system, entitled "Reminiscentia Numeraris," a rather bulky volume. The most valuable portion was the annotations, in which he gave a great number of interesting facts pertaining to chronology, inventions, &c.
In 1828, T. S. Peckston published a "Chronological Chart of the Patriarchs," based on Grey, to which he added an essay on memory.
In the following year (1829) appeared "A View of the World," by W. R. Goodluck, in which he used a figure alphabet initially. The book was one of 310 pages, the author adopting a narrative form, weaving in the memorial lines as he proceeded.
Under the title of the "Calendar of Memory," a very useful book by Professor Snooke, was published in 1830. It is more useful to almanac makers than to the general