In 1839, the Rev. R. R. Knott published anonymously ("By a Cambridge M.A.") the "New Aid to Memory," which was devoted to English history. In 1842 he reissued this work in his own name, and added three other volumes. These consisted of adaptations of Feinaigle's system to Scripture history and to the history of England, Rome, and Greece, and were illustrated with a number of fanciful engravings.
Robert Pike and William C. Pike, in 1844, published at Boston, U.S.A., a work entitled "Mnemonics applied to the Acquisition of Knowledge; or the Art of Memory." Other works on this subject were published about this time by J. W. Cannon, and Lorenzo D. Jolinson, but their works have long been out of print, and copies are scarce.
From 1853 to 1866 other works on Grey's system appeared, one being by the Rev. J. G. Cumming, entitled "A Chronology of Ancient History" (London, 1853); and one by E. D. Girdlestone, "Memory Helped, or Dr. Grey's system explained" (London, 1866).
In 1864, an American book, entitled "Mnemeology," by Chase, appeared, but is little known. A copy will be found in the British Museum.
In this year also appeared Mrs. Slater's "Sententiæ Chronologicæ." This is a well-known work, and has long been popular. The key is used initially, and the work is a useful one.
"How to Remember Sermons and Lectures" formed the subject of a little pamphlet by the Rev. John Jones, Kirkdale, Liverpool, which was published in 1863. The system is entirely topical, the objects being arranged in columns. Each symbol is supposed to recall that on the right of it, and vice versa. The ideas to be remembered are to be associated by phrases to the objects in their order. No figure alphabet is used. Another edition was published in 1866.
In 1866, Haney's "Art of Memory" appeared in New York in the form of a fifty-paged pamphlet. The greater portion is copied from McLaren's "Systematic Memory."
The late Mr. William Hill, of Patricroft, about 1870, used the topical system as the basis of a somewhat elaborate