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575.—PIKE, BOILED. (Fr.Brochet Bouilli.)

Ingredients.—1 pike, salt, vinegar.

Method.—Pour boiling water over the fish until the scales look dull, then plunge it into cold water, and remove the scales at once with the back of a knife. Empty the fish, remove the gills and fins, and wash well. Have ready a fish-kettle of warm water, add salt and vinegar to taste, put in the fish, and boil gently until the fish separates easily from the bone (one weighing 4 lb. would require about 25 or 30 minutes). Serve with Hollandaise, anchovy, or melted butter sauce.

Time.—According to size, from ½ to 1 hour. Average Cost, 3d. to 6d. per lb. Sufficient for 8 persons. Seasonable from September to February.

The Pike (Fr. brochet).—On account of its voracity, the pike is frequently called the "fresh-water shark." The common pike occurs in the rivers and lakes of Europe, especially in the northern parts and North America. In Russia and Lapland it attains to large dimensions. The body of the pike is long, of an olive-brown colour, tinted with green above and silvery-white below; the lower jaw projects, and is furnished with numerous strong teeth. The pike spawns in the spring; its young are called "jack" and "luce". The fishing season for pike is from May to February, the fish being caught by nets, lines, and "trimmer" lines. Owing to its extreme voracity the pike commits great depredation among other fish, and is especially harmful to trout. It is a very long-lived fish, and frequently attains to a great age. In Scotland, the pike is called the "gedd." The flesh of the pike is considered to be very wholesome, but it is somewhat dry.

576.—PIKE, CRIMPED AND FRIED. (Fr.Brochet recrépi.)

Ingredients.—Pike, egg, breadcrumbs, frying-fat, salt, piquant, anchovy or brown caper sauces.

Method.—Pike for this purpose should be fairly large and quite fresh. Scale and clean the fish thoroughly, cut it into ½-inch slices, and cover these with very cold water. Let them remain until the flesh becomes sufficiently firm, then dry well, and rub lightly with flour seasoned with salt and pepper. Brush over with beaten egg, coat carefully with breadcrumbs, and afterwards fry in hot fat until lightly browned. Drain well, garnish with crisply-fried parsley, and serve the sauce separately.

Time.—½ hour. Average Cost, 3d. to 6d. per lb. Seasonable at its best, from September to March.

577.—PIKE, FILLETS OF, ITALIAN STYLE. (Fr.Filets de Brochet à l'Italienne.)

Ingredients.—1 medium-sized pike, 1½ ozs. of butter, ⅓ of a pint of brown sauce No. 233, 2 tablespoonfuls of tomato purée, 2 tablespoonfuls of sherry, salt and pepper.

Method.—Clean, skin and cut the fish into neat fillets. Melt the butter in a baking dish, put in the fish, baste it well, and sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper. Cover with a greased paper, cook gently for 15 minutes, then add the sauce, purée and sherry. Continue to cook slowly about 20 minutes, then transfer the fish very care-