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filling the centre with a purée of spinach or mushrooms. When more convenient, veal may be used for the farce instead of cold partridge.

Time.—To cook, about 1½ hours. Average Cost, 3s. 6d. to 4s. Seasonable from September 1 to February 12.

The Partridge (Fr. perdrix).—This bird is found in nearly all the temperate countries of Europe, in North Africa and in certain parts of Asia, and is abundant as a game-bird in England. It is noted for its instinct in the preservation of its young. An eminent writer and naturalist says: "I have seen it often, and once in particular I saw an extraordinary instance of an old bird's solicitude to save its brood. As I was hunting with a small pointer, the dog ran on a brood of very small partridges; the old bird cried, fluttered, and ran tumbling along just before the dog's nose, till she had drawn him to a considerable distance, when she took wing and flew further off, but not out of the field. On this the dog returned to me, near the place where the young ones lay concealed in the grass, which the old bird no sooner perceived than she flew back to us, settled just before the dog's nose again, and by rolling and tumbling about drew off his attention from her young, and thus preserved her brood a second time. I have also seen where a kite has been hovering over a covey of young partridges the old birds fly up to the bird of prey screaming and fighting with all their might, to preserve their brood." Partridges should be chosen young; if old they are valueless. The young birds are generally known by their yellow legs and dark-coloured bills.

1301.—PARTRIDGE, FILLETS OF, FARCED. (Fr.Filets de Perdreaux Farcis.)

Ingredients.—2 partridges, or the remains of cold roast birds, ½ a lb. of liver farce, No. 398, ½ a pint of Espagnole sauce, No. 244 (see Sauces), 1 oz. of butter, egg, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, purée of spinach or mushrooms.

Method.—Remove the fillets intact from the breast, bone the legs and wing, form into a good shape, fry lightly in hot butter, and press between 2 dishes until cold. Then mask one side with the liver farce or stuffing, coat both sides carefully with egg and breadcrumbs, and fry until nicely browned in hot butter or fat. Arrange in a circle on a border of potato, strain the hot Espagnole sauce over, and serve the purée of spinach or mushroom in the centre. When cold birds are used, the preliminary frying and pressing are unnecessary, the farce being spread on the cold cooked fillets and completed as directed above.

Time.—About 2½ hours altogether, when fresh birds are used. Average Cost, 4s. Seasonable from September 1 to February 12.

1302.—PARTRIDGES, HASHED. (See Wild Duck, Salmi of.)

1303.—PARTRIDGE PIE. (Fr.Pâté de Perdreaux.)

Ingredients.—2 partridges, ¾ of a lb. of veal cutlet, 2 or 3 slices of streaky bacon, ½ a pint of good stock, 1 oz. of butter, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of coarsely-chopped mushrooms, preferably fresh ones, 1 teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, ¼ of a teaspoonful of very finely-chopped shallot or onion, salt and pepper, paste.

Method.—Draw, singe, divide the birds into quarters and fry them until lightly browned in hot butter. Cut the veal into small thin slices, place them in the bottom of a pie-dish, season well with salt and pepper,