Page:Musical charmer.pdf/29

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O'er me and mine, come mistress prove,
and then what ill can harm us?
Kind Hymen will each fear remove,
and spread each sweet to charm us;
Together we will live content,
and nought but love will trade in;
So sweetly shall our lives be spent,
dear little Cottage-Maiden.


As walking forth to view the plain,
upon a morning early,
While May's sweet scent did chear my brain,
from flow'rs which grew so rarely;
I chanc'd to meet a pretty maid,
she shin'd, tho' it was foggie,
I ask'd her name, Sweet Sir, she said,
my name is Katherine Ogie.

I stood a while, and did admire
to see a nymph so stately!
So brisk an air there did appear
in a country-maid so neatly!
Such natural sweetness she display'd,
like a lily in a bogie,
Diana's self was ne'er array'd
like this same Katherine Qgie.
