had to die? He found himself mumbling words that only accentuated the sadness of his mood.
"Marguerite, why did you leave me so soon? Why did you leave my house for God's house? Why are you no longer on the threshold when I come home from the fields? … Marguerite, your children are neglected by strangers. My eyes find no light in the sunshine, my heart no joy under Heaven."
He had come upon a stiff piece of soil, where the oxen needed urging.
"Come on, Galant! Vermeil! Up, lads!" His voice died away in a quaver. He drew himself up, threw back his head in defiance. "Châtain! Lamoureux! Up there! Don't let it beat you!" But the words stuck in his throat. Then, beaten, he drew his hat down over his eyes and let the tears flow.