Page:Natural History (1848).djvu/291

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barking sound. The female carries her young one, when able to leave the pouch, clinging to her back, for some time.

The Koala inhabits New South Wales, where, however, it appears to be somewhat uncommon. The first individuals that were known in the colonies were brought in by natives to Colonel Patterson, then lieutenant-governor of the colony, from the Hat-Hill district, to the southward of Port Jackson, in 1803. The native name, 'Koala,' is said to signify 'Biter.'[1]

Family VII. Phascolomyidæ.


In the single species, which, as far as is yet known, constitutes the only representative now living of the Family before us, we find the dentition of the true Rodentia: the incisors being long, curved, projecting forwards, having a chisel-edge, deeply implanted in their respective sockets and hollow at the base. These teeth as well as the molars, continue to grow at the base, as they are worn down by use at the upper part, being destitute of roots. The canines are wanting. The skull is massive and heavy, and its structure throughout manifests that the muscles required in mastication are very powerful. The feet have five toes each, armed with strong claws adapted for burrowing; the inner toe of the hind-foot, however, which is very minute, and set on, as in other marsupials, nearly at a right-angle, is destitute of a claw.

  1. Penny Cycl. Art. Marsupialia.