Page:Natural History (1848).djvu/310

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commenced and continued a scratching on the sides of the box."

This individual managed to make her escape from confinement; but Mr. Bennett subsequently took two half-grown young ones from a burrow, and captured a very exhausted female, which he conjectured to be their mother. The latter survived but a few days, but the young remained in his possession upwards of a month. The details of the manners of this little family in their captivity are very amusing. Mr. Bennett observes of them, "The young sleep in various postures; sometimes in an extended position; and often rolled up, like a hedgehog, in the form of a ball. They formed an interesting group, lying in various attitudes in the box in which I had placed them, and seeming happy and content. Thus, for instance, one lies curled up like a dog, keeping its back warm with the flattened tail, which is brought over it; while the other lies stretched on its back, the head resting, by way of a pillow, on the body of the old one, which lies on its side, with the back resting against the box; the delicate beak, and smooth, clean fur of the young, contrasting with the rougher and dirtier appearance of the older one: all fast asleep . . . . One evening both the young came out about dusk, and went as usual, and ate food from the saucer, and then commenced playing with one another, like two puppies, attacking with their mandibles, and raising their fore-paws against each other. In the struggle one would get thrust down, and at the moment when the spectator would expect it to rise again and renew the combat, it would commence scratching itself, its antagonist looking