Page:Natural History (1848).djvu/61

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The Hedgehog is susceptible of kindness. Mr. Bell records of one in the possession of a friend, that it would unfold and lie on its master's knees before the fire, suffering him to rub the naked parts of its face, and appearing to feel pleasure from the action. Mr. Jesse tells of a tame one which he had, that was accustomed to "nestle before the fire on the stomach of an old lazy terrier dog, who was much attached to it; and the best understanding existed between them." Uniform kindness of treatment, will produce in almost all animals correspondent confidence and affection.

Family II. Talpadæ.


Destined to burrow in the earth, the Moles are marked by an organization, beautifully adapted to such a habit. The general form is nearly cylindrical, the head produced into a long muzzle, tapering almost to a point. The limbs are very short; there are no external ears, and the body is covered with the softest fur; all which characters are favourable to unimpeded progression through the earth. But though the limbs are short, they (the fore ones in particular) are of prodigious strength, and it is in an examination of these organs that we are struck with the admirable correspondence between the structure of these animals and their habits. Scarcely more than the fore paw projects beyond the skin, which is widened into a broad, hollow hand, the palm of which is directed outwards and backwards; and the fingers are terminated by very strong claws or