Page:Natural History (1848).djvu/93

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2. Ears narrow, semi-erect, or only slightly pendulous; muzzle produced; jaws strong; hair smooth or wiry; limbs long and vigorous: power of scent not highly developed. Ancient German boar-hound.
Great Danish dog.
Feral dog of Hayti.
French mâtin.
Irish wolf-dog.
Scotch deer-hound.
English grey-hound.
Italian grey-hound.
Persian grey-hound.
Brinjaree dog.
Albanian grey-hound.
3. Ears moderately large and pendent; muzzle deep and strong; hair long, sometimes wiry; form robust; aspect grave and intelligent. Italian wolf-dog.
Newfoundland dog.
Labrador dog.
Alpine dog.
4. Ears moderately large; sometimes very large; pendent; hair long and fine; muzzle moderate; forehead developed; scent acute; intelligence at a high ratio. Spaniel and fancy varieties.
Water-spaniel and varieties.
Rough water-dog, or Barbet.
Little Barbet.
5. Ears large, pendent; muzzle long and deep; nose large; hair close; scent acute; form vigorous. Pointer.
Dalmatian dog.
Old English hound.
Blood hound.
African hound, &c.
6. Ears moderate, pendent; muzzle short and thick; jaws enormously strong; hair short, sometimes wiry; form robust; sense of smell variable. Cuban mastiff.
English mastiff.
Thibet mastiff.
Corsican and Spanish bull-dog.
7. Ears sub-erect; muzzle rather acute; jaws strong; hair short or wiry; scent acute; habits active; intelligence considerable. Terrier, smooth and wire-haired.
Barbary dog."

Anecdotes of the docility, sagacity, memory, courage, faithfulness, and love of the Dog, are