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Page:Newspapers of Washington Territory from WHQ July 1922.djvu/12

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Edmond S. Meany

ed on a toy press with a hatful of type. It was Democratic. Columbia County was created on November 11, 1875, and Dayton became the county seat. The News suspended for a time in January, 1876, and was sold to James Kerby. In May, 1877, it was bought by T. H. Crawford and J. E. Edmiston. M. H. Abbott & Sons became proprietors in January, 1878. On July 28, 1879, it was sold to J. E. Palmer and James Seaman. W. D. Crow bought Seaman's interest on September 1, 1879, and on April 1, 1881, Walter Crosby and J. Y. Ostrander acquired the property. The plant was destroyed by fire on August 12, 1882, and publication was not resumed. (History of Southeastern Washington, pages 808–809.)

Reporter, "Probably but few people will remember the Dayton Reporter, which lived a very brief life in the spring of 1881. It made its bow early in May and its exit late in the same month. It was a little four-column paper and was edited by E. S. Gay. The press work was done in the office of the Dayton News. Mr. Gay decided to have a plant of his own, and suspended {SIC|publiction|publication}} until it arrived. The plant came, but before the Reporter could be revised the fire of August 6th destroyed his press and the attempt to add another paper to Dayton was abandoned. The rest of the plant was taken to Pomeroy and used in the publication of the Republican." (History of Southeastern Washington, page 813.)

School Journal, established in April, 1884, devoted to the school interests of Washington Territory. It was an eight-page monthly edited by F. M. McCully, teacher and newspaper man. The printing was done in the office of the Chronicle. It expired after several months.


News, established on November 22, 1889, by W. F. Thompson. (Edwin N. Fuller, in Washington Press Association Proceedings, 1887–1890, page 86.)


Capital, founded by Col. A. N. Hamilton on October 15, 1887. A file from the beginning of publication to date is in the Carnegie Library of Ellensburg.

Localizer, established on July 12, 1883, by Stone & Adams. In 1889, D. B. Schnebly was the publisher. Charles Prosch wrote