In addition to the information derived from the compilations above mentioned, facts have been gathered from files of the old newspapers, surviving pioneers have been interviewed and many letters have been written to editors and publishers of papers whose age reaches back 'into the Territorial days. No effort has been made as yet to carry this work of investigation into the years of Statehood. That task will be a great one when undertaken but it should be effectually aided by the large number of public libraries which are now saving newspaper files.
In the compilation which follows an effort is made to go be- yond a mere bibliographical list. Whenever important and inter- esting facts are obtained about the publications these are set down with the bibliographic data.
Acknowledgment should here be made to Victor J. Farrar for his assistance. He has industriously gleaned facts from many sources.
From the nature of the case, the pioneer papers dropping out of sight from one reason or another, a compilation of this kind is liable to errors, especially errors of omission. The writer would wel- come suggested additions or corrections if submitted before the work is revised for seperate publication, about January 1, 1923.
Edmond S. Meany
Bulletin, established on July 31, 1889, with E. C . Finch as proprietor and Frank Owen as editor. Independent. No files have been located.
Herald, founded in 1886 by A. M. Telford. Democratic. Ceased publication on July 1, 1917. Partial files are located in The Public Library of Hoquiam, University of Washington Li- brary and Washington State College Library.
Times, founded on November 14, 1889, by Gale & Leith. Mr. Leith sold out in 1890 and H. R . Gale continued publication.
Journal, listed as an independent weekly by the Lord and Thomas Newspaper Directory for 1890.
- ↑ Then Chehalis County.