Page:Old Westland (1939).pdf/102

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Old Westland

Mawhera, which was duly accomplished without further incident. On arrival at the pa there was more feasting prior to the signing of the deed of sale. When this was concluded the fourteen Maori chiefs present affixed their signatures by making a cross, Messrs. Mackley, Burnett and seven Maoris from Collingwood acting as witnesses and James Mackay signing on behalf of Queen Victoria. These legal formalities having been completed, the three hundred sovereigns were paid over and the business concluded.

The following is a copy of the original document which is of great historical importance:

This Deed, written on this 21st day of May, in the year of our Lord, 1860, is a full and final sale conveyance and surrender by us the Chiefs and people of the Tribe Ngaitahu, whose names are hereunto subscribed: And witnesseth that on behalf of ourselves, our relatives and descendants we have, by signing this Deed under the shining sun of this day, parted with and for ever transferred unto Victoria Queen of England, Her Heirs, the Kings and Queens that may succeed Her and their Assigns for ever in consideration of the sum of three hundred pounds (£300) to us paid by James Mackay, junr., on behalf of the Queen Victoria (and we hereby acknowledge the receipt of the said moneys) all that piece of our land situate