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John Rochfort

Lake Brunner and then down the River Arnold to the Mawhera Pa. The Mackays on the other hand followed the Taramakau down to the sea and then proceeded north along the coast to Mawhera, where negotiations were begun for the purchase of lands from the natives, who agreed to take two hundred pounds, but declined to sell the block lying between the Grey and Hokitika Rivers.

The Mackays, thus being unable to come to terms with the Maoris, decided to return to Nelson by way of Maruia Plain and the Upper Buller, but after a desperate struggle, during which they suffered many privations, they were forced to retrace their steps to the Mawhera Pa, later proceeding by the coastal route to the Buller, where they found the cutter Supply and embarked for Nelson.

It is necessary to state here that Mackay and Rochfort had chartered this little vessel (John Walker, Master) to bring provisions to the Grey, but owing to bad weather she had been unable to enter there and had landed their supplies at the Buller. With regard to the cutter Supply, many writers state she was the first vessel to enter the Buller, but this is not so, the schooner Three Brothers, Captain Thoms in command, having done so in January, 1844, some fifteen years previously.

Reverting again to Rochfort, who had meantime proceeded to the Buller, it should