14 The Orthographic Signs. ft § 28. Note. The Arabic and Persian long vowels are represented by the Letters of Prolongation <_£ j I. These letters correspond respectively with the vowel points: ustun, esre, ebtre (§§ 29—31). But there are no letters of prolongation in purely Turkish words; the use of these letters is limited only to indicating the vowel signs, as has been said above. Therefore they are called in Turkish orthographic letters also, as they serve only for the correction of the orthography. Exercise f. Read and write the following exercises:
I. با به بي بو؛ ما مه مي مو؛ نا نه نی نو؛ سا سه سی سو؛ دا ده دی دو؛ فا فه فی فو؛ غا غه غی غو؛ لا له لی لو
ifr?/. Be elif ustun ba, be he ustun be, be ye esre fo # , be vav ebtre boa, bo etc.
iTq/. Qaf lam ustun qal, which is equivalent to qaf elif lam ustun qal ; qaf lam esre qil, or with a vowel letter qaf ye lam esre qil etc. ■ J^ Jji ' ^j>- Jj>- ' Jy J^ Short sentences. III. /&>?/. Sad vav lam ebtre sol, qaf vav lam ebtre qol, sol qol etc. 3h£ ' JStaf ' <jtl ' til ' Zj[ ' llL ' <Jl ' (3l>. IV. -^ *i M M <m» • ^ ifo?/. Chim elif ustun c/m, qaf ye esre qi, cha-qi etc. • Jjy • j^-ji • w 1 • j^j 1 • j^j 1 yy • yy • uyy V.