Bates, rev. Raymond Cooper, born at Birmingham, Oct., 1863; 4s. John, gent. Keble, matric. 16 Oct., 83, aged 20 (from Magdalen coll. school, and chorister 74-7), scholar 83, B.A. 87, M.A. 90 (Honours : — 2 classical mods. 85, 3 classics 87) ; curate of St. Paul, Worcester, 91.
Bateson, Alexander Dingwall, born at Allerton, near Liverpool, 30 April, 1866 ; 6s. William Gandy, arm. Trinity, matric. 17 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from Rugby), B.A. 88 (Honours : — 3 classical mods. 87) ; bar.- at-law, Inner Temple, 91.
Bateson, rev. James Swinburne, born at Somersal, co. Lancaster, 20 July, i860; o.s. Richard, arm. Queen's, matric. 24 Jan. , 80, aged 19 (from Man- chester gr. school), B.A. 83, M.A. 86 (Honours : — 3 classical mods. 81, 4 classics 83) ; rector of St. Mark, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, 91, co-editor " Manchester Diocesan Directory," etc.
Bath, Samuel, born in London 1863 ; is. Samuel, gent. New Coll., matric. 25 Jan., 88, aged 25.
Bathe, Arthur Allan, born at Coventry, co. Warwick, 1868 ; is. Stephen Brown, cler. Christ Church, matric. 14 Oct., 87, aged 17 (from Shrewsbury school), B.A. 91 ; Honours : — 2 chemistry 91.
Bather, Francis Arthur, born at Richmond, Surrey, 17 Feb. , 1864 ; is. Arthur Henry, of the admiralty. New Coll., matric. 14 Oct., 82, aged 19 (from Winchester), scholar 81, B.A. 86, M.A. 90; Hon- ours : — 1 morphology 86, Rolleston memorial prize
Bathurst, Algernon, M.A., B. c. L. , fellow New COLL. 39-61, where see.
Bathurst, Arthur Henry, born in London 29 Aug., 1872; 2s. Charles, bar.-at-law. Oriel, matric. 22 Oct., 90, aged 18 (from Sherborne school), passed into Sandhurst 93.
Bathurst, Charles, born in London 25 Sept., 1867; is. Charles, bar.-at-law. University Coll., matric. 18 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Sherborne school), B.A. 90 (Honours: — 3 classical mods. 88, 3 law 90) ; bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 92.
Bathurst, hon. Lancelot Julian, born 24 Jan., 1868;
2S. Allen Alexander, earl Bathurst. New Coll.,
matric. 15 Oct., 86, aged 18 (from Eton) (Honours:
3 classical mods. 88, 4 law 90) ; master of Exmoor
foxhounds. Bathurst, Lawrence Charles Villebois, born at Gres-
senhall, Norfolk, 4 June, 1871 ; 4s. Henry, arm.
Trinity, matric. 17 Dec, 90, aged 19, from Radley
Bathurst, Robert Andrew, M.A., fellow New Coll.
35-52, where see. Bathurst, Seymour Henry, lord Apsley, born 21
July, 1864 ; is. Allen Alexander, earl Bathurst.
Christ Church, matric. 25 May, 83, aged 18
(from Eton) ; 7th earl Bathurst. Bathurst, Stuart Eyre, M.A., fellow Merton 39-45,
where see.
Bathurst, Stuart Leslie, born in London Feb. 1862 ;
is. Algernon, bar.-at-law. Queen's, matric. 15
May, 80, aged 18 (from Bradfield coll.), B.A. 85
(Honours ;— 2 classical mods. 82, 2 classics 84) ;
bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 88. Batson, Vincent Lascelles, born at Ramsbury, Wilts,
1861; 7s. Alfred, gent. Non-Collegiate, matric.
15 Oct., 81, aged 20, B.A. 86, M.A. 89. Batten, Henry George Summers, born at Ilminster,
Somerset, 1871; is. Henry, gen. Non-Collegiate,
matric. 14 Jan., 88, aged 17, B.A. 91. Batten, John Kaye, born at Almora, E. Indies, 26
Aug., 1865; 5s. John Hallet, arm. Oriel, matric.
23 Oct. , 84, aged 19 (from Haileybury) ; Indian C.S.
84, special assistant and magistrate at Malapuram,
Madras, 90.
Battershy, Herbert Dillon, born in London 14 Jan. ,
1872 ; 2s. John Prevost, major-general, retired.
St. John's, matric. 17 Oct., 91, aged 19, from
an Ealing school.
Battershy, rev. William John, born at Lancaster 1867 ; is. William, gent. St. John's, matric. 17 Oct., 85, aged 18 (from Manchester gr. school), B.A. 88, M.A. 93 (Honours: — 3 theology 88); curate of St. Clement, Salford, 90.
Batty, rev. Arthur Montague, born at Fulham 1868 ; 3s. William Edmund, cler. Oriel, matric. 14 Dec, 87, aged 19, B.A. 90 ; Honours : — 3 history 90.
Batty, Edward Joseph, born at Paddington 1867 ; 2s. Caleb, gen. Non-Collegiate, matric. 3 Nov., 88, aged 21, from Christ's hospital.
Battye, Aubyn Bernard Rochfort, born at Havers, Kent, 1866 ; 2s. William Wilberforce, cler. Non- Collegiate, matric. 28 Jan., 82, aged 16; migrated to Christ Church, B.A. 87.
Baty, Thomas, born at Carlisle 8 Feb., 1869; o.s. William Thomas, gen. Queen's, matric. 20 Oct., 88, aged 19 (from Carlisle gr. school), exhibitioner 88, B.A. 92 ; Honours :— 3 mathematical mods. 90, 2 law 92.
Baughan, John Edward, born at Putney, Surrey, 6 May, 1866 ; o.s. John, gent. Wadham, matric. 17 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from Brighton coll.), B.A. 89.
Baumgarten, rev. Charles Ord, born at Calcutta 21 July, 1862; is. Edward Picton, captain. Merton, matric. 18 Oct. , 80, aged 18 (from Merchant Taylors' school), B.A. 84, M.A. 87 (Honours 1—3 history 84); migrated to Trinity 88; Trinity coll. missioner at Stratford 88-91, and of S. Mary, Johannesberg, Transvaal, 91.
BaverstOCk, Albany Henry, born at Stratford, Essex, 1871 ; is. Edwin Henry, gen. Keble, matric. 11 Oct., 90, aged 19 (from Merchant Taylors' school), scholar 89 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 92.
Bawden, Henry Bertram, born at Truro 6 Aug., 1872; 2s. John Henry, gen. Jesus Coll., matric. 20 Oct., 91, aged 19, from Newton Abbott coll.
Bax, Arthur Nesham, born at Hamble, Hants, 21 March, 1871 ; 1s. Bonham Ward, late captain r.n. deceased. Balliol, matric. 17 Oct., 89, aged 18 (from Kelly coll., Tavistock), exhibitioner 88, B.A 92 ; Honours : — 2 history 92.
Baxter, Arthur William, born at Manchester 1 Jan. , 1865; is. David, gent. Lincoln, matric. 19 Oct., 83, aged 18 (from Owens coll., Manchester), scholar 83, B.A. 87, M.A. 91 ; Honours :— 2 classical mods. 85, 1 classics 87.
Baxter, Dudley, born at Atherstone, co. Warwick, 1872; s. Dudley, lawyer. University Coll., matric. 17 Oct., 91, aged 19.
Baxter, Henry, born at Sutton, co. Lane, 1864; 2s. Henry, arm. University Coll., matric. 12 Jan., 82, aged 18 (from Eton), B.A. 85, M.A. 88; Honours : — 2 history 85.
Baxter, rev. John Thomas Chatterton, born at Cupar Angus 23 Nov., 1859; o.s. James Howard, gent. St. Mary Hall, matric. 13 April, 80, aged 20 (from Dundee high school and Aberdeen university) ; migrated to New Inn Hall, B.A. 83, M.A. 87 ; Honours :— 4 theology 87.
Baxter, rev. William, born at Wigonby, Cumberland, 14 Aug., 1866; o.s. William, gen. Queen's, matric. 25 Oct, 86, aged 20 (from Carlisle gr. school), exhibitioner 86, B.A. 90; Honours: — 2 classical mods. 88, 2 classics 90, 2 history 91.