Page:Poems for Children Sigourney 1836.pdf/15

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And every thing she says to me,
    I must directly mind;
For when I was a baby,
    Her care both night and day,
While I was helpless and afraid,
    I never can repay.

I must not teaze my Mother;
    And when she likes to read,
Or has the head-ache, I will step
    Most silently indeed;
I must not choose a noisy play,
    Nor trifling troubles tell,
But sit down quiet by her side,
    And try to make her well.

I must not teaze my Mother;
    I've heard dear father say,
When I was in my cradle sick,
    She nurs'd me night and day.
And now she listens to my wants,
    She gives me clothes and food,
And cheers me with a loving smile,
    While trying to be good.