Page:Poems for Children Sigourney 1836.pdf/49

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I have been sporting too,
    Where spring my favorite flowers,
Among the lilies fresh with dew,
    Among the vine-clad bowers,
And by yon crystal stream,
    Where droops the willow tree,
I sweetly slept, and had a dream,
    A pleasant dream of thee.

And music all around
    Was breathing when I woke,
From nest, and branch, and rose-deck'd bound,
    And from my lips it broke.
Why does thy bosom beat?
    Hath aught disturb'd thy peace?
Dear Lamb! have brambles torn thy feet,
    Or rent thy snowy fleece?

Come! I can soothe thy pain,
    If thou wilt tell me free,
And lull thee with that cooing strain,
    The young Dove taught to me.