Page:Poems for Children Sigourney 1836.pdf/84

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Mother! I turn to you the last,
See, see, your hand in mine is fast,
Please come with me, and hear me say
My prayer to Him who gave the day,
Yes,—see me on my pillow laid,
And then, in midnight's darkest shade,
My dreams your tender smile shall wear,
As if an Angel hover'd there.

The Infant's Prayer.

A very young and lovely child in New-York, was found in prayer by her bed-side, for her little sick cousin. She was not able to say plainly, Elizabeth, which was the name of her dear playmate. So her prayer was, "please God, let Lilly live."

These two sweet children died within a short time of each other, of the same disease. It was the will of their Father in heaven, that they should live together with him.

The West had shut its gate of gold
    Upon the parted sun,
And through each window's curtaining fold
    Lamps glimmer'd one by one;