Page:Poems for Children Sigourney 1836.pdf/85

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And many a babe had gone to rest,
And many a tender mothers breast
    Still lull'd its darling care,
When in a nursery's quiet bound,
With fond affections circled round,
    I heard an infant's prayer.

Yes, there it knelt,—its cherub face
    Uprais'd with earnest air;
And well devotion's heaven-born grace
    Became a brow so fair;
But seldom at our Father's throne
Such blest and happy child is known
    So painfully to strive;
For long with tearful ardor fraught,
That supplicating lip besought,—
    "Please God, let Lilly live,"

And still the imploring voice did flow
    That little couch beside,
As if for "poor sick Lilly's" wo,
    It could not be denied;