Page:Poems for Children Sigourney 1836.pdf/87

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Christmas Hymn.

Bring wreaths, green wreaths, our joyful hands
    Their glowing tints shall twine,
To celebrate our Saviour's birth,
    The "Children's Friend" divine,
Who drew them to his favouring arms
     When sterner souls forbade,
And kindly on his sheltering breast
    Their heads reposing laid.

But He, the babe of Bethlehem slept
    Uncradled and unsought,
No joyful bands with songs of praise
    Sweet buds and blossoms brought,
But horned brutes, with heavy tread
    Their manger's guest survey'd,
And stupid oxen watch'd the bed
    Where Earth's Redeemer laid.

Sister, bring flowers! the winter-rose
    Shall in our garland bloom