The National Sin of Literary Piracy, by Henry Van Dyke, D. D. (Scribner, 5 cents), is a clear and vigorous statement of the moral position of the American people with respect to the intellectual property of foreign authors. It is an excellent document for the campaign for international copyright.
Madam Emma Seiler's treatise on The Voice in Singing (Lippincott) comprises the chief scientific facts, many of them the discoveries of the author, which lie at the basis of the art of singing. At the outset of her career as a teacher of vocal music, Madame Seiler perceived the need of a scientific foundation for her art, but the best instructors in Europe were ignorant of the laws which she sought. Applying to Helmholtz, who was prosecuting an inquiry into this subject, she was permitted to take part in his investigations, and also made important discoveries by herself. Later she received further assistance in her studies from Du Bois-Reymond. This book opens with a brief sketch of the history of vocal music, and the subject is then treated successively on the physiological, physical, and aesthetic sides. The structure of the vocal organs is described in an appendix.
Canadian Leaves (N. Thompson & Co., New York) is the title of a series of papers on the history, art, science, literature, and commerce of Canada, read before the Canadian Club of New York. Among the contributors are Prof. Goldwin Smith, Hon. Benjamin Butterworth, Rev. George Grant, and Mr. Erastus Wiman. Mr. G. M. Fairchild, jr., is the editor. The volume is handsomely made, and is illustrated with portraits of the contributors, head-pieces, initials, and tail-pieces, by Thomson Willing.
Anthropological Society of Washington. "The American Anthropologist." Quarterly. Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. 96. $1, $3 a year.
Arthur, J. C. Report on Botanical Work in Minnesota for 1886. St. Paul: Geological Survey Office. Pp. 56.
Brown. Joseph E. Speech on the Proper Mode of collecting Revenues. Washington. Pp. 35.
Bunge, Prof. G. The Alcohol Question. Chicago: Woman's Temperance Publishing Association. Pp. 35. 5 cents.
Caillé, Augustus, M D. . New York. A Method of Prophylaxis in Diphtheria. Pp. 11.
Chamberlain, Prof. J. H. The Genesis of Literature. Marietta College, Ohio. Pp. 24.
Chase, William C. "The Climatologist," Vol. I, No. 1. Quarterly. Washington. Pp. 64. 20 cents, 50 cents a year.
Chemical Society of Washington. Bulletin, February 10, 1887, to January 12, 1888. Pp 26.
Clodd, Edward. The Story of Creation. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 242. $1.75
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Middletown. Report for 1887. Pp. 197.
Cornell University. Register for 1887-'88. Ithaca, N. Y. Pp. 216.
Dawson, George M. The Kwakiool People of Vancouver Island. Montreal: Dawson Brothers. Pp. 30, with Plate.
Day, David T. Mineral Products of the United States. 1882-1886. Chart, 1 page.
Dreyspring, Adolphe. First German Reader on the Cumulative Method. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 112. 70 cents.
Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Chapel Hill, N. C. Journal for 1887. E. P. Venable, Secretary. Pp. 114, with Plates.
Emerson, J. M. Stimulants. New York; Dick & Fitzgerald. Pp. 61. 50 cents.
Forbes. George. Lectures on Electricity. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 163. $1.50.
Forestry Convention, Grand Rapids, Mich, January, 1888. Proceedings. Lansing: Agricultural College. Pp 61.
Georgia, Department of Agriculture, Atlanta. Analyses, etc., of Fertilizers and Chemicals. Pp. 8.
Gerhard, William Paul. The Drainage of a House. Boston: Rand Avery Company. Pp. 16.
Gouley. John W. S, M. D. Diseases of Man. New York: J. H. Vail & Co. Pp. 412.
Hall, G. Stanley. "The American Journal of Psychology." Quarterly. February, 1888. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 158. $1, $3 a year.
Halsted, Byron D., Ames, Iowa. Iowa Peronosporæ, and a Dry Season. Pp 8.
Hinrichs, Dr. Gustavus, Iowa City. The Climate of Southern Russia and Iowa compared. Pp. 16. A Few Facts about the Iowa Weather Service, Pp. 4. Controversial Pamphlets. Pp 4 and 28.
Hughes. Alfred Practical Geography for Schools. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 71. 60 cents.
Hyde, Mary F. Practical Lessons in the Use of English. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 116.
Illinois State Board of Agriculture. Statistical Report. December, 1887. Springfield. Pp. 88; and Weather Report. Pp. 50.
Ireland. George H. The Preventable Causes of Disease, etc. American Public Health Association. Pp. 24.
Lackawanna Institute of History and Science, Scranton. Pa. J. A. Price. President. Proceedings and Collections. Pp. 152.
Lewis. A. H., D. D. A Critical History of Sunday Legislation. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 279. $1.25.
Lincoln. D F., M. D. The Sanitary Conditions of School-Houses. American Public Health Association. Pp. 33.
McCarthy, Gerald, Chapel Hill, N. C. The Study of Local Floras. Pp. 6.
Magnus, Sir Philip. Education in Bavaria. New York: Industrial Education Association. Pp. 48. 20 cents.
Merriman. H. B. What shall make us Whole? Botton: Cupples & Hurd. 75 cents.
Meyer. Dr. Lothar. Modern Theories of Chemistry. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 587. $5.