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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 47.djvu/837

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winter game of the children in the streets of Samarcand and other large cities of central Asia consists in setting in flight crows which are held by long strings tied to the hand, and practicing the exercises of falconry with them.

Female birds are preferred in both Asia and Africa, as being larger and stronger than males, and are more readily trained; but males are also sometimes used. Among the great variety of birds of prey in Turkistan, those which are habitually domesticated are first the falcons and hawks. The common goshawk

Fig. 1.—Golden Eagle {Aquila chrysaetos).

(Astur palumbarius) and the sparrow hawks (Accipiter nisus and Accipiter virgatus) are most usually employed and most valued. They are used principally for taking pheasants, partridges, and quails. Most of the buzzards are trained. The kites, which were supposed in ancient European falconry not to be susceptible of training, are used with success. The Milvus melanotic, which has been identified by Pallas with the black kite of Europe, but is probably distinct, proves to be quite tractable.

The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaëtos), Aquila daphnea, and Aquila clanga are habitually trained, and are mentioned by trav-