ought I to submit to the judgement of my brethren, who have, in so many ways, and so often offended? Help me, O gracious Lord Jesus, willingly to bear the yoke of subjection, and the rod of correction, and in every trouble that comes upon me, to call to mind Thy anguish.
BLESS Thee, and give thanks to Thee,
O Lord Jesus Christ, true Vine, Way
of Life, and our Salvation, for bearing before all men Thy heavy and
shameful Cross. For the Salvation of the whole
human race, Thou didst vouchsafe humbly to take
it up, and most patiently to bear it; that so, upon
Thy own Shoulders, Thou mightest bring back, to
Thy home in Heaven, the lost sheep so long
sought after, and found with so much toil and
I laud and magnify Thee, illustrious Standard-bearer of the army of Christ, for Thy sorrowful and distressing journey, when, with the heavy wood of the cross roughly laid upon Thee, Thou wast ignominiously led forth outside the walls of that renowned city, in which Thou hadst so often manifested forth Thy glory by miracles worked, and holy doctrine taught therein. Now, however, amid the furious outcries of the whole people arrayed against Thee, Thou art treated as a comrade of thieves, and a chief of robbers, and art