1957 (Cont.)
October 14
The American Rocket Society presented President Eisenhower with a suggested program for outer space exploration. They proposed the establishment of an Astronautical Research and Development Agency similar to NACA and the Atomic Energy Commission. This agency would have responsibility for all space projects except those directly related to the military services. A list of proposed projects was presented at an estimated cost of $100 million per annum.[1]
October 15-21
A "Round 3" conference involving studies for a follow-on to the X-15 program, which subsequently led to the X-20 Dyna Soar, was held at the Ames Aeronautical Laboratory. During the course of the meeting, Alfred J. Eggers, Jr., of Ames advanced several proposals for possible manned satellite vehicle development projects.[2]
November 8
Secretary of Defense Neil McElroy directed the Army to proceed with the launching of the Explorer earth satellites. This order, in effect, resumed the Orbiter project that had been eliminated from the IGY satellite planning program on September 9, 1955.[3]
November 12-13
At a meeting of the NACA Subcommittee on Fluid Mechanics, it was stated that many aspects of space flight and astronautics would depend heavily on research advances in the field that had been broadly termed fluid mechanics. Research in this area involved internal and external gas flows associated with high-speed flights within the atmosphere and reentry into the atmosphere of spacecraft vehicles. The subcommittee recommended to NACA that research in these matters be intensified.[4]
November 19
Preston R. Bassett of the NACA Committee on Aerodynamics presented a resolution urging NACA to adopt an aggressive program in space research technology.[5]
- ↑ House Rpt. 67, 87th Cong., 1st Sess., p. 33.
- ↑ Memo, Warren J. North to NASA Administrator, subject: Background of Project Mercury Schedules, Aug. 14, 1960.
- ↑ Akens, Origins of MSFC, p. 45.
- ↑ Minutes of Meeting, NACA Committee on Aerodynamics, Nov. 18-20, 1957, pp. 4-5.
- ↑ Minutes of Meeting, NACA Committee on Aircraft, Missile and Spacecraft Aerodynamics, March 21, 1958, pp. 3-4.