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Part II — Research and Development Phase of Project Mercury

1958 (Cont.)


Study was started on spacecraft recovery operations. During this study period, it was learned that the retrieving operation could be very difficult; but with properly designed equipment, helicopter pickup could be used and appeared to be the most favorable method.[1]

December 1

Design of the Big Joe spacecraft for the Project Mercury reentry test (the spacecraft would be boosted by an Atlas launch vehicle over a ballistic trajectory) was accomplished by the Space Task Group. Construction of the spacecraft was assigned as a joint task of the Langley and Lewis Research Centers under the direction of the Space Task Group. The instrument package was developed by Lewis personnel assigned to the Space Task Group, and these individuals later became the nucleus of the Space Task Group’s Flight Operations Division at Cape Canaveral.[2]

December 2

Space Task Group officials visited the Army Ballistic Missile Division to determine the feasibility of using the Jupiter launch vehicle for the intermediate phase of Project Mercury, to discuss the Redstone program, and to discuss the cost for Redstone and Jupiter launch vehicles.[3]

December 8

The Space Task Group indicated that nine Atlas launch vehicles were required in support of the Project Mercury manned and unmanned flights and these were ordered from the Air Force Ballistic Missile Division.[4]

December 9

An aeromedical selection team composed of Major Stanley C. White, Air Force; Lt. Robert B. Voas, Navy; and Captain William Augerson, Army, drafted a tentative astronaut selection procedure. According to the plan, representatives from the services and industry would nominate 150 men by January 21, 1959; 36 of these would be selected for further testing which would reduce the group to 12; and in a 9-month training period, a hard core of 6 men would remain. At the end of December 1958, this plan was rejected.[5]

  1. Memo, Warren J. North to NASA Administrator, subject: Background of Project Mercury Schedules, Aug. 14, 1960.
  2. Memo, Warren J. North to NASA Administrator, subject: Background of Project Mercury Schedules, Aug. 14, 1960; information supplied by Aleck Bond, Manned Spacecraft Center, June 11, 1963.
  3. Memo, Warren J. North to Assistant Director for Advanced Technology, subject: Visit to ABMA Regarding Boosters for Manned Satellite and Juno II Programs, Dec. 4, 1958.
  4. Memo, Warren J. North to NASA Administrator, subject: Background of Project Mercury Schedules, Aug. 14, 1960.
  5. Memo, George Low to NASA Administrator, subject: Status Report No. 1, Manned Satellite Project, Dec. 9, 1958; Memo, George Low to NASA Administrator, subject: Status Report No. 3, Project Mercury, Dec. 27, 1958.