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Project Mercury: A Chronology

1959 (Cont.)

January 26

NASA completed contract negotiations with McDonnell for the design and development of the Mercury spacecraft. (See fig. 5.) At that time, McDonnell estimated that the first 3 spacecraft could be delivered in 10 months. Spacecraft refinements slipped this estimated goal by only 2 months.[1]

Figure 5.—Manufacture of Mercury Spacecraft at McDonnell Plant, St. Louis, Mo.

January 29

The Little Joe flight test program was drafted. This plan was updated on April 14, 1959. Primary objectives of the test were to investigate flight dynamics, check drogue parachute operations, determine physiological effects of acceleration on a small primate, and, to some extent, check the spacecraft aerodynamic characteristics.[2]

  1. Memo, George Low to NASA Administrator, subject: Status Report No. 6, Project Mercury, Feb. 3, 1959.
  2. NASA Space Task Group, Project Mercury [Quarterly] Status Report No. 1 for Period Ending January 31, 1959, March 1959.