Page:Sailors tragedy (2).pdf/4

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Captain said she you must and can,
With speed help me to such a man.

In St. Helens this young man died,
And in St. Helens is his body laid;
Captain, said she, do not say so,
For he is in your ship below.

And if you stand in his defence,
A mighty storm I will send hence,
Will cause you and your men to weep.
And leave you sleeping in the deep.

From the deck did the Captain go,
And brought this young man to his foe,
On him she fix'd her eyes so grim.
Which made him tremble every limb.

It was well known I was a maid,
When first by you I was betray'd
I am a spirit come for you,
You beguil'd me once but I have you now.

For to preserve both ship and men,
Into the boat they forced him;
The boat sunk in a flash of fire,
Which made the sailors all admire.