Page:Session Laws of North Carolina, April, 1777.pdf/19

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LAWS of North-Carolina.

A.D. 1777

with two ſufficient Securities, to his Excellency the Governor for the Time being, and his Succeſſors, in the Sum of One Thouſand Pounds, for the faithful Diſcharge of his Office; which ſaid Bonds ſhall be recorded in the ſeveral Courts, and lodged in the Hands of the Clerks. And whoever ſhall officiate in the ſaid Office longer than Three Months, without giving Bond and Security as aforeſaid, ſhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Pounds, one Half to the Informer, and the other Half to the County.

Others appointed in Caſe of Death, &c. IV. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid, That in Caſe of the Death, Reſignation or Removal, of any Regiſter, for Miſbehaviour in Office of any County, that the Juſtices of the ſaid County ſhall appoint another proper Perſon to the Regiſter's Office, in the ſame Manner, and under the foregoing Regulations and Reſtrictions.


An Act to impower the Juſtices of Bladen County to take in their Poſſeſſion the Records of ſaid County, now in Poſſeſſion of Maturin Colville.

Preamble.I.WHEREAS it is repreſented by the Juſticess of Bladen County, that Maturin Colville, heretofore Clerk of the ſame County, upon the Appointment of Afred Moore to that Office, in the Year One Thouſand Seven Hundred and Seventy Four, refuſed to deliver up to the Court the Records and other Papers belonging to the County; that among the ſaid Records are many Wills, Inventories, and Settlements of Eſtates, which contain the only Evidence of the Property of great Numbers of Perſons, particularly of Orphans; and that on the Dockets are many Suits yet undetermines, and many Judgments which remain usſatisfied, beſides divers Sums of Money paid into the Office belonging to ſundry Perſons yet unaccounted for, to the great Injury of the Inhabitants of the ſaid County and others: In order therefore that the Records may be reſtored to the proper Office, and the injured may be redreſſed, and the obſtinate and wilful brought to a Senſe of their Duty, and a proper Reſpect for the Laws;

Juſtices to receive the Records. II. BE it Enacted, by the General Aſſembly of the State of North-Carolina, That the Juſtices of the ſaid County be appointed, and they, or any three or more of them, are hereby authorized and impowered to demand and receive of and from the ſaid Maturin Colville, and of and from every other Perſon or Perſons who are or may be in Poſſeſſion of the ſame, the Records and other Papers of the ſaid County, and upon Refuſal or Neglect to delivery the ſame, then the ſaid Juſtices, or any three or more of them, ſhall and may iſſue their Warrant, directed to the Sheriff and other the Officers of the ſame County, commanding him the ſaid Sheriff to take with him ſuch Force as he may thing neceſſary, and to apprehend the ſaid Records, or any of them, in Poſſeſſion, and him or them commit to the common Gaol of the ſaid County, until the Records ſhall be produced and delivereed up; and alſo impowering the Sheriff, and other Officers of the ſaid County, to make diligent Search in all ſuſpected Places within the ſame County for the ſaid Records and Papers, and for that Purpoſe
