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Epistle Dedicatory.

liament, and so formidable a Force as that Unanimity will give Life and Vigour to.

If your Lordship can find any thing in this Poem like a Prince, who is so justly the Object of your Lordship's, an indeed of the World's Veneration, I persuade my self it will prevail with you to forgive every thing else that you find amiss. You will excuse the faults in Writing, for the goodness of the Intention. I hope too, your Lordship will not be displeas'd, that I take this opportunity of renewing the honour which I formerly had, to be known to your Lordship, and which gives me at once the pleasure of expressing those Just and Dutiful Sentiments I have for his Majesty, and that strong Inclination which I have always had to be thought,

My Lord,

Your Lordships most Obedient,

Humble Servant,