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Page:Tamerlane - Rowe (1702, 1st edition).djvu/30

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Tam.Ev'n that! that Princely Tye should bind thee to me,If Vertue were not more than all Alliance.
Mon.I have a Sister, (Oh severe Remembrance!)Our noble Houses, nay, her Sexe's Pride:Nor think my Tongue too lavish, if I speak herFair as the Fame of Vertue, and yet chasteAs its cold Precepts, wise beyond her SexAnd blooming Youth, soft as forgiving Mercy,Yet greatly brave, and jealous for her Honour:Such as she was, to say I barely lov'd her,Is poor to my Soul's meaning: From our InfancyThere grew a mutual Tenderness between us,Till not long since her Vows were kindly plightedTo a young Lord, the Equal of her Birth.The happy Day was fix'd, and now approaching,When faithless Bajazet (upon whose Honour,In solemn Treaty giv'n, the Greeks depended)With sudden War broke in upon the Country,Secure of Peace, and for Defence unready.
Tam.Let Majesty no more be held Divine,Since Kings, who are call'd Gods, profane themselves.
Mon.Among the Wretches, whom that Deluge sweptAway to Slavery, my self and SisterThen passing near the Frontiers to the Court,(Which waited for her Nuptials) were surpriz'd,And made the Captives of the Tyrant's Power.Soon as we reach'd his Court, we found our UsageBeyond what we expected, fair, and noble:Twas then the Storm of your victorious ArmsLook'd black, and seem'd to threaten, when he press'd me(By oft repeated instances) to drawMy Sword for him? But when he found my SoulDisdain'd his Purpose, he more fiercely told me,That my Arpasia, my lov'd Sister's FateDepended on my Courage shewn for him.I had long learnt to hold my self at nothing,But for her sake; to ward the blow from her,I bound my Service to the Man I hated.
