Six Days are past, since by the Sultan's OrderI left the Pledge of my return behind,And went to guard this Princess to his Camp:The rest the brave Axalla's Fortune tells you.
Tam.Wisely the Tyrant strove, to prop his CauseBy leaguing with thy Vertue; but just Heav'nHas torn thee from his Side, and left him nakedTo the avenging Bolt that drives upon him:Forget the Name of Captive, and I wishI could as well restore that Fair One's Freedom,Whose loss hangs heavy on thee: Yet e're NightPerhaps we may deserve thy Friendship nobler;Th' approaching Storm may cast thy Shipwreck'd WealthBack to thy Arms: Till that be past, since War(Tho' in the justest Cause) is ever doubtful,I will not ask thy Sword to aid my Victory,Lest it should hurt that Hostage of thy ValourOur common Foe detains.
Mon.Let BajazetBend to his Yoak repining Slaves by force,You, Sir, have found a nobler way to Empire,Lord of the willing World.
Tam.Oh, my Axalla!Thou hast a tender Soul, apt for Compassion,And art thy self a Lover and a Friend:Does not this Prince's Fortune move thy Temper?
Ax.Yes, Sir, I mourn the brave Moneses Fate;The Merit of his Vertue hardly match'dWith disadvent'rous Chance: Yet, Prince, allow me,Allow me from the Experience of a LoverTo say, one Person, whom your Story mention'd,(If he survive) is far beyond you wretched:You nam'd the Bridegroom of your beauteous Sister.
Mon.I did: Oh, most accurst!
Ax.Think what he feels,Dasht in the fierceness of his Expectation;Then, when the approaching Minute of possessionHad wound Imagination to the heighth,