Fixt high, and of it self alone dependant,Is ever free, and royal, and ev'n now,As at the head of Battle does defy thee:I know what Pow'r the Chance of War has giv'n,And dare thee to the use on't. This vile Speeching,This after game of Words is what most irks me;Spare that, and for the rest 'tis equall all———Be it as it may.
Tam.Well was it for the World,When on their Borders Neighbouring Princes met,Frequent in friendly Parle, by cool Debates,Preventing wastful War; such should our MeetingHave been; had'st thou but held in just regardThe Sanctity of Leagues so often sworn to.Can'st thou believe thy Prophet (or what's more,That Pow'r Supream, which made Thee, and thy Prophet)Will, with Impunity, let pass that breachOf sacred Faith given to the Royal Greek?
Baj.Thou pedant Talker! ha! art thou a KingPossest of Sacred Power Heav'n's darling Attribute,And dost thou prate of Leagues, and Oaths, and Prophets?I hate the Greek (Perdition on his Name!)As I do thee, and would have met you both(As Death does human Nature) for destruction.
Tam.Causeless to hate is not of human kind;The savage Brute, that haunts in Woods remote,And Desart-wilds, tears not the fearful Traveller,If Hunger, or some Injury provoke not.
Baj.Can a King want a Cause when Empire bidsGo on? what is he born for but Ambition?It is his Hunger, 'tis his Call of Nature,The noble Appetite which will be satisfi'd,And like the Food of Gods, makes him immortal.
Tam.Henceforth I will not wonder, we were Foes,Since Souls that differ so, by Nature hate,And strong Antipathy forbids their Union.
Baj.The noble Fire that warms me does indeedTranscend thy Coldness, I am pleas'd we differ,Nor think, alike.