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Page:Tamerlane - Rowe (1702, 1st edition).djvu/43

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Tam.No———for I think like Man,Thou like a Monster; from whose baleful PresenceNature starts back; and tho she fix'd her StampOn thy rough Mass, and mark'd thee for a Man,Now conscious of her Error, she disclaims thee,As form'd for her Destruction.——'Tis true, I am a King, as thou hast been:Honour, and Glory too have been my Aim;But tho I dare face Death, and all the Dangers,Which furious War wears in its bloody Front,Yet would I chuse to fix my Fame by Peace,By Justice, and by Mercy; and to raiseMy Trophies on the Blessings of Mankind;Nor would I buy the Empire of the WorldWith ruin of the People whom I sway,Or forfeit of my Honour.
Baj.Prophet, I thank thee.——Damnation!—Could'st thou rob me of my Glory,To dress up this tame King, this preaching Dervise?Unfit for War, thou should'st have liv'd secureIn lazy Peace, and with debating SenatesShar'd a precarious Scepter, sate tamely still,And let bold Factions canton out thy Power,And wrangle for the Spoils they robb'd thee of;Whilst I (curse on the Power that stops my Ardour!)Would, like a Tempest, rush amidst the Nations,Be greatly terrible, and deal, like Alba,My angry Thunder on the frighted World.
Tam.The World!———'twould be too little for thy Pride:Thou would'st scale Heav'n.——
Baj.I would:———Away: my SoulDisdains thy Conference.
Tam.Thou vain, rash Thing,That, with gigantick Insolence, hast dar'dTo lift thy wretched self above the Stars,And mate with Pow'r Almighty: Thou art fallen!——
Baj.'Tis false! I am not fall'n from ought I have been;At least my Soul resolves to keep her State,
