Thou nam'st a Man beyond a Monk's discerning,Vertuous, and Great, a Warriour, and a Prince.
Der.He is a Christian; there our Law condemns him,Altho' he were ev'n all thou speak'st, and more.
Tam.'Tis false; no Law Divine condemns the Virtuous,For differing from the Rules your Schools devise.Look round, how Providence bestows alikeSunshine and Rain, to bless the fruitful Year,On different Nations, all of different Faiths;And (tho' by several Names and Titles worshipp'd)Heav'n takes the various Tribute of their PraiseSince all agree to own, at least to mean,One best, one greatest, only Lord of All.Thus when he view'd the many Forms of Nature,He found that all was good, and blest the fair Variety.
Der.Most Impious, and Profane!—nay, frown not, Prince,Full of the Prophet, I despise the DangerThy angry Power may threaten: I command theeTo hear, and to obey; since, thus says Mahomet,Why have I made thee dreadful to the Nations?Why have I giv'n thee Conquest? but to spreadMy sacred Law ev'n to the utmost Earth,And make my Holy Mecca the World's Worship?Go on, and wheresoe'er thy Arms shall prosper,Plant there the Prophet's Name: with Sword and Fire,Drive out all other Faiths, and let the WorldConfess him only.
Tam.Had he but commandedMy Sword to conquer all, to make the WorldKnow but one Lord, the Task were not so hard;'Twere but to do what has been done already;And Philip's Son, and Cæsar did as much:But to subdue th' unconquerable Mind,To make one Reason have the same EffectUpon all Apprehensions; to force this,Or this Man, just to think, as thou and I do;Impossible! Unless Souls were alikeIn all, which differ now like Humane Faces.