Tam.Ha! dare not? Thou hast rais'd my pond'rous Rage,And now it falls to crush thee at a Blow.A Guard there.———* Seize and drag him to his Fate.[Enter a Guard, they seize Bajazet.Tyrant, I'll do a double Justice on thee,At once revenge my self, and all Mankind.
Baj.Well do'st thou, e'er thy Violence and LustInvade my Bed, thus to begin with Murder;Drown all thy Fears in Blood, and Sin securely.
Arp. kneeling.] Oh stay! I charge thee, by Renown;By that bright Glory, thy great Soul pursues!Call back the doom of Death.
Tam.Fair injur'd Excellence,Why dost thou kneel, and waste such precious Pray'rs,(As might e'vn bribe the Saints to partial Justice)For one to Goodness lost? who first undid thee,Who still pursues, and aggravates the Wrong.
Baj.By Alha! no—I will not wear a LifeBought with such vile Dishonour.—Death shall free meAt once from Infamy, and thee, thou Traytress!
Arp.No matter, tho' the whistling Winds grow loud,And the rude Tempest roars, 'tis idle Rage,Oh! mark it not. But let thy steady VirtueBe constant to its Temper; save his Life,And save Arpasia from the sport of Talkers.Think, how the busy, medling World shall tossThy mighty Name about, in scurril Mirth;Shall brand thy Vengeance, as a foul Design,And make such monstrous Legends of our Lives,As late Posterity shall blush in reading.
Tam.Oh matchless Virtue! Yes I will obey;Tho' Laggard in the Race, admiring yet,I will pursue the shining Path thou tread'st.Sultan, be safe. Reason resumes her Empire,[The Guards release Bajazet.And I am cool again.———Here break we off,Lest further Speech should minister new Rage.