Wisely from dangerous Passions I retreat,To keep a Conquest, which was hard to get:And oh! 'tis time I should for Flight prepare,A War more fatal seems to threaten there,And all my Rebel-blood assists the Fair:One moment more, and I too late shall find,That Love's the strongest Pow'r that Lords it o'er the Mind.[Exit Tamerlane followed by the Guards.
Baj.To what new Shame, what Plague am I reserv'd?Why did my Stars refuse me to die warm?While yet my Regal State stood unimpeach'd,Nor knew the Curse of having One above me;Then too (altho' by force I graspt the Joy)My Love was safe, nor felt the rack of doubt:Why hast thou forc'd this nauseous Life upon me?Is it to triumph over me?———But I will,I will be free, I will forget thee all;The Bitter and the Sweet, the Joy and Pain,Death shall expunge at once, and ease my Soul.Prophet, take notice, I disclaim thy Paradice,Thy fragrant Bow'rs, and everlasting Shades,Thou hast plac'd Woman there, and all thy Joys are tainted.[Exit Bajazet.
Arp.A little longer yet, be strong, my Heart,A little longer let the busy SpiritsKeep on their chearful round.———It won'ot be:Love, Sorrow, and the Sting of vile Reproach,Succeeding one another in their Course,Like Drops of Eating Water on the Marble,At length have worn my boasted Courage down:I will indulge the Woman in my Soul,And give a loose to Tears, and to Impatience;Death is at last my due, and I will have it.———And see, the poor Moneses comes to takeOne sad Adieu, and then we part for ever.